$COVE Light

Program Details

$COVE will be distributed to users who stake:

  • $coveYFI
  • Cove Boosties LP tokens
  • coveYFI/YFI Curve LP tokens (in future epochs)

8% of the token supply is planned to be distributed during the first year of liquidity mining (season 1). Epochs will have different objectives and emissions.

Season 1

Epoch 0

Epoch 0 will be three weeks long and is focused on bootstrapping the protocol’s $coveYFI supply. Epoch 0 will begin around Friday April 12th at 11 PM EST (April 13th 4 AM UTC) and the emissions are as follows:

TargetEmissions (3 weeks)
$coveYFI3,500,000 $COVE
Cove Boosties LP tokens1,000,000 $COVE total

Epoch 1

Epoch 1 will be one month long and is focused on bootstrapping the protocol’s $coveYFI supply and new V3 vault TVL. Epoch 1 will begin around Saturday May 4th at 12 PM EST and the emissions are as follows:

TargetEmissions (1 month)
$coveYFI3,500,000 $COVE
Cove Boosties V2 LP tokens750,000 $COVE total
Cove Boosties V3 LP tokens750,000 $COVE total

Epoch 2

Epoch 2 will be one month long and continues to focus on bootstrapping the protocol’s $coveYFI supply and new V3 vault TVL. Epoch 2 will begin around Thursday June 6th at 12 PM EST and the emissions are as follows:

TargetEmissions (1 month)
$coveYFI2,800,000 $COVE
Cove Boosties V2 LP tokens600,000 $COVE total
Cove Boosties V3 LP tokens600,000 $COVE total

Epoch 3

Epoch 3 will be one month long and is focused on growing the new coveYFI/YFI Cove vault. Epoch 3 will begin around Tuesday July 23rd at 4 PM EST and the emissions are as follows:

TargetEmissions (1 month)
$coveYFI1,600,000 $COVE
LP Yearn PRISMA (v2)100,000 $COVE
WETH (v3)100,000 $COVE
LP Yearn CRV (v2)100,000 $COVE
Curve dYFIETH-f (v2)100,000 $COVE
Curve YFI-ETH (v2)150,000 $COVE
Curve yEth (v2)150,000 $COVE
USDC (v3)500,000 $COVE
DAI (v3)600,000 $COVE
coveYFI/YFI600,000 $COVE

Epoch 4

Epoch 4 will be one month long and is focused on growing the 3 newly launched Cove vaults (DAI-2, crvUSD-2, WETH-2). Epoch 4 will begin around Tuesday August 24th at 4 PM EST and the emissions are as follows:

TargetEmissions (1 month)
$coveYFI850,000 $COVE
LP Yearn PRISMA (v2)50,000 $COVE
WETH (v3)100,000 $COVE
LP Yearn CRV (v2)350,000 $COVE
Curve dYFIETH-f (v2)100,000 $COVE
Curve YFI-ETH (v2)150,000 $COVE
Curve yEth (v2)150,000 $COVE
USDC (v3)550,000 $COVE
DAI (v3)400,000 $COVE
coveYFI/YFI200,000 $COVE
DAI-2200,000 $COVE
crvUSD-2200,000 $COVE
WETH-2200,000 $COVE